Self-care is one of those buzzwords that can conjure up images of relaxing bubble baths and weekend spa retreats. This is just another one of society’s misconceptions because, in reality, proper self-care doesn’t have to cost a dime. It’s also not just a trend- it’s a necessity! Why? Because you deserve to take […]
Helping Someone in Crisis – Healthcare Professional Resources
As healthcare providers, we are on the frontline to identify patients that may be suicidal. To educate the community (and also our colleagues)Montana Psychiatry & Brain Health Center has assembled a FREE Suicide Awareness Healthcare Professional Resource Kit. Each part of the kit can be integrated separately into your practice. We would suggest beginning by […]
Managing Emotions: A 3-Step Plan For College-Bound Families
The transition from high school to campus life is a BIG milestone for a teen! A milestone that’s met with great anticipation and excitement for many adolescents. It’s the first time living alone… adapting to unfamiliar schedules… and adjusting to a new stage in life. As parents, helping your child make the transition to college […]
What To Do When Antidepressants Don’t Work
The symptoms of depression can be crippling for those who suffer from this illness. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a debilitating illness associated with frequent relapses, persistent symptoms, and incomplete recovery. MDD can interfere with daily activities, causing persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest, and hope. It negatively impacts relationships, disrupts school and career […]
Explore Your Options for PTSD Treatment
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that develops after experiencing an event that involves severe physical or mental shock. Symptoms include reliving the event when certain triggers take place, being unable to sleep due to nightmares in which the events are replayed in the mind, and finding it difficult to relate to other people […]
Common Questions about Insomnia
At one time or another, most people will experience insomnia. While being unable to sleep for one or two nights may have more to do with something going on in your life, a continual pattern of not sleeping indicates there’s a more serious issue. How much do you know about this condition and what can […]
Discover the Breakthrough Benefits of Ketamine Therapy
For people who have suffered for years from depression that can’t be resolved by any other means, ketamine seems to be a miracle drug. Many people have used ketamine therapy to ease what seemed like intractable depression. How is Ketamine Different From Other Antidepressants? SSRIs, or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, have been popular for treating […]
Could You Benefit from TMS Therapy?
The most common form of treatment for depression is medication therapy with various forms of antidepressants. This should not be the only answer to depression, however. There should be at least one complementary treatment so you don’t become dependent on antidepressant medication, which can be very dangerous. Cognitive behavioral therapy and psychotherapy are forms of […]
Why Consider Medication Management?
Medication management therapy is used by pharmacists and physicians to make certain the individual is receiving the best possible outcome from their prescription medications. This term encompasses a wide variety of professional services including: • Patient assessments • Prescription medication reviews • Potential side effects or interactions with other medications • Monitoring the efficacy and […]
What Can Ketamine Therapy Do for Me?
Depression is a serious mental disorder that affects millions of people in the United States every year. The mood disorder is characterized by a constant sadness that can make it extremely tough to live a normal life. There are several different forms of medication designed to help people with depression, but these drugs unfortunately do […]
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