The modern western lifestyle is full of pressure and stress that significantly increase the risk of certain psychological and physiological disorders. But in all honesty, mental health concerns affect people from all walks of life in Billings, MT and around the world. Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are some examples of such issues that can affect children, adults and the elderly. A psychiatrist is a professional who can properly diagnose, manage and treat these types of problems that are caused by a combination of emotional and physical imbalances. If you’ve been looking for an experienced and skilled psychiatrist in Montana, look no further.
Consultation and Initial Visit
An initial consultation with our psychiatrist will likely involve a comprehensive analysis of a patient’s medical history. It’s important for us to get a detailed overview of a person’s existing health problems and other previous illnesses that may explain some of the current emotional and neurological symptoms. However, a full physical examination may not be necessary during a consultation for psychiatric evaluation. It all depends on the unique situation.
A patient will most likely need to answer a questionnaire about social and personal issues that might contribute to stress and other psychological disorders. It’s important for our psychiatrist to get to the root cause of the problems that persist in an individual’s mind. After the first appointment, a patient can return to begin the right type of treatment, which may take months to years.
Professional Treatment for Psychiatric Problems
A psychiatrist is fully licensed to prescribe a wide range of professional treatments and medications. This professional fully understands the risks and benefits involved with powerful medication that comes with certain side effects.
Depending on the situation, our psychiatrist may encourage a patient to also seek natural and holistic solutions to anxiety, depression and other relevant problems. For example, meditation and other exercises are highly recommended for people who suffer from spontaneous outbreaks of panic and phobia. Yoga, extended walks and aerobic workouts can loosen up the body and mitigate some of the negative symptoms that are caused by psychiatric conditions.
It’s important for patients in Billings, MT to find joy and happiness in simple aspects of life. If you live in the area and have been looking for an experienced psychiatrist, make an appointment at Montana Psychiatry & Brain Health Center in Billings, MT. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.