Transcranial magnetic stimulation is often referred to as TMS therapy. The procedure is non-invasive. The cells in the brain are stimulated using magnetic fields to improve depression symptoms. This therapy is often used when other treatments for depression were ineffective. During the session, a magnetic pulse is delivered to the patient using an electromagnet. This stimulates the nerve cells involved with depression and mood control in the brain. This is believed to activate the areas of the brain with decreased activity due to depression.
Although the biology of TMS therapy is not fully understood, the stimulation has an impact on the brain. The improves mood and eases the symptoms of depression. There are different techniques and procedures used to perform this treatment. Even though depression is treatable, standard treatments such as psychotherapy and medications are not effective for everyone. Repetitive TMS therapy is used for depression as a non-invasive type of brain stimulation. The therapy is considered to be both well-tolerated and safe.
Prior to receiving TMS therapy, testing such as lab tests or a physical examination are generally necessary. A psychiatric evaluation will be scheduled to discuss the individual’s depression. These tests and evaluations help ensure the therapy is a good option. The treatment takes place in a clinic or a physician’s office. To be effective, a series of treatment sessions are necessary.
The TMS Therapy Treatment
Prior to the first treatment, the physician determines which areas of the head are the best options for placing the magnets and the correct dosage of magnetic energy for the individual. The individual is led to a treatment room and seated in a special chair. Once the electromagnetic device has been secured around the person’s head, it is turned on and off repeatedly to ensure stimulating pulses. The amount of magnetic energy required is determined by the professional; the amount of stimulation can be changed during the treatment. If the TMS therapy is successful, the symptoms of depression will either completely disappear or show improvement. A few weeks of sessions may be necessary for relief from the symptoms of depression.
Get In Touch with Us for More Information
If you are interested in TMS therapy to treat your depression, please reach out and make an appointment with Montana Psychiatry & Brain Health Center. At our convenient location in Billings, MT, our caring and devoted team of professionals will be pleased to explain this therapy in full and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today to set up your consultation!