At one time or another, most people will experience insomnia. While being unable to sleep for one or two nights may have more to do with something going on in your life, a continual pattern of not sleeping indicates there’s a more serious issue. How much do you know about this condition and what can be done to correct it? Here are some common questions that people ask and some answers that may help.
Is Insomnia More than an Inability to Sleep?
Most people do understand insomnia as not being able to get to sleep. What they may not realize is that the condition is also present if you are able to doze off and find yourself waking up several times throughout the night. Consistently waking up well before you need to is also another sign that you have this condition. Essentially, if you are not getting at least seven hours of recuperative sleep each night, then you have a problem that needs to be resolved.
What Can Cause Insomnia?
Stress is easily one of the more common reasons for insomnia. That’s because stress stimulates the body and makes it harder to relax. People with chronic pain also find it difficult to ease the tension within their muscles and be able to sleep. It’s not unusual for anyone who works long hours during the night or day to find it difficult to relax and get to sleep.
There are also medications that may cause this issue as a side effect. For example, you may be taking something to help with an anxiety disorder. While it serves the purpose, it may or may not interfere with your ability to get to sleep. The most practical approach is to see your doctor and have a checkup. Once the origin for the problem is identified, it will be easier to determine what course of treatment would provide the best chances for relief.
Is It a Permanent Condition?
Depending on the underlying cause of insomnia, you’re not likely to live with the condition for the rest of your life. In some cases, basic dietary or lifestyle changes will allow you to sleep soundly again. At other times, adjustments or changes to medication will alleviate the issue. If the problem has to do with stress in your life, finding ways to minimize or deal with the stress more effectively will allow you to sleep well again.
What Can Be Done to Correct the Problem?
The ideal treatment for insomnia is the one that addresses your particular circumstances. Some people find they need to take a prescription strength medication in order to get the sleep they need. Your doctor will select something that does not negatively interact with any other medication you currently take. There’s even the possibility that exercising moderately several hours before bedtime will make it easier to get to sleep and stay that way for the entire night.
Get In Touch with Us for More Information
The bottom line is that you don’t have to deal with insomnia by yourself. To learn more, we invite you to make an appointment with Montana Psychiatry & Brain Health Center. At our convenient location in Billings, our team will come up with a treatment strategy that helps you get back to enjoying a full night of restful sleep. Contact us today to set up your consultation!