Why Physician-Led Care Matters When It Comes to Ketamine Therapy
Ketamine Therapy is quickly gaining popularity as a treatment for various conditions, from depression and anxiety to PTSD and chronic pain. Yet, despite its effectiveness, it still has a bad rap due (or controversy) to where ketamine started and how it has evolved.
After all, how could a club drug that first earned notoriety in the psychedelic era possibly be taken seriously, let alone safely today? In what medical setting, other than the 50-plus years it’s been utilized as a dissociative anesthetic, is ketamine considered helpful and effective?
When conducted properly under the guidance of an experienced physician, the therapeutic benefits of ketamine become clear. In this article, we’ll dive into why physician-led care is essential in ensuring the safe and effective results of ketamine therapy.
How to Ensure Optimal Results and Patient Safety with Ketamine Therapy
Ketamine therapy offers many benefits and has been used to treat depression that doesn’t respond to traditional treatments. Still, this form of treatment should be done under the care of a qualified medical doctor to ensure optimal results.
Working with an experienced physician and psychiatrist can be invaluable, as they are well-versed in understanding mental health issues and can monitor shifts in brain activity during treatment.
Moreover, because different patients respond to ketamine differently, a physician can correctly adjust the dosage according to how their patient responds to the drug — all while prioritizing patient safety.
The expertise of one such certified physician and psychiatrist is Dr. Erin Amato, MD, founder and Medical Director of Montana Psychiatry & Brain Health Center. With her integrative approach and extensive background in psychiatry, Dr. Amato has been administering IV ketamine therapy to improve the quality of life for her patients with depression and other mental health conditions since April 2016.
Why the Right Ketamine Administration Route Matters
How the drug is administered is also key to achieving rapid relief and healing through ketamine.
Intravenous administration bypasses the need for the drug to travel from where it has been taken (the mouth) through the digestive system to take effect. As such, intravenous ketamine administration delivers results faster than other routes, such as lozenges.
For this reason, if you’re looking for a lasting therapeutic effect from ketamine, you should look for a physician who can administer it intravenously. This way, you’ll receive the rapid relief and lasting results you need without waiting a long time for improvement.
Why You Should Screen a Ketamine Clinic First
If you’re considering ketamine therapy, it’s important to ensure that your brain and body are in good hands. Screening for the right physician or clinic to put your healthcare under has always been important – even more so as more and more continue to pop up and offer ketamine therapy.
However, just because a treatment like IV ketamine can turn a significant profit doesn’t mean it’s meant to transform every patient. In other words, the best way to properly screen for the best ketamine clinic is to seek one that properly screens you.
When you contact Dr. Erin Amato and her Montana Psychiatry team for a consultation, you’ll know that your chosen clinic is reputable, knowledgeable, and willing to provide personalized care tailored to your needs.
We have IV Ketamine appointments open in Bozeman and Billings, Montana, so reach out today to receive the qualified, safe, physician-led care you need and deserve.